
Emarketing:110 Tips To Start Your Own Internet Business On A Budget


There are several directions to go from here. You could sell your own e-book or product. You could sell someone else's e-book or become an affiliate and sell someone else's products or you can combine all of those approaches. Since my goal for this series is to help you start making money as soon as possible, I am going to focus on selling products and e-books that already exist. As you become more experienced you may want to start selling your own e-books because at that point you get to keep all of the profits. You should already have decided what you want to sell by now. If it is an e-book, you can join Clickbank and search your niche for the one that best fits with your needs. They have a great help section and a rating system to help you determine which e-books are generating the most sales and profits. If you have decided to sell products, you can go to a site like commission junction to find the right company or companies to align yourself with. They also have a help section that you can use to get started.

If you have taken the time to follow the advice in the first three articles, you should have found your niche, determined that it can be profitable and found the products that you want to promote and sell. So far, you have spent nothing but time. In the next article, I will talk about your options for getting your business up and running as well as some ideas on list building.

You should have a solid direction for your internet business. Your keyword research will have helped you find words and phrases that will help you build your website and describe what your site offers. In other words, you should know what problem or problems you are solving for someone. That is essentially what you will be selling, the resolution of someone's problem. If my dog has fleas, I want information and/or products to eliminate fleas.

The easiest way to decide what to sell is to see what other people in your niche are selling. In the first article in this series I said you did not need to re-invent the wheel. Not only do you not need to, you don't want to. Simply take your keywords and phrases and plug them one at a time into a search engine. Then visit each site in the first few pages of the results. These sites are your competition. You want competition because that tells you there is a market for what you are offering. You want to see what they are selling and how they are selling it. You want to study the design and flow of the site. It will not take you very long to differentiate between good sites and not so good sites. Keep the good ones in your favorite folder and return to see if they have added content or made changes.


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