HongKong Emarketing:Create Your Joomla Website Now |
Creating your own website is easier enough; it's art of grounding on the first page of Google that takes knowledge, the right action and time. In this article I'll cover the first simple steps in creating your website and analysing why it is very efficient for entrepreneurs to make their own site as opposed to hiring expensive web designers. No one could possibly start creating their own website without knowing the definition of a website and why it is necessary to have one. A website is a group of related web pages, images, videos or other digital assets that are given relative to a common Uniform Resource Locator (URL), often consisting of only the domain name, or the IP address, and the root path ('/') in an Internet Protocol-based network. A serious entrepreneur would always want to have more costumers in the market. Remember that customers expect that a company has a web site. These people would want to know details on a particular product and they would rush to the internet to check it out. Featuring your product on the internet with a good professional websites is quicker, easier and more cost-effective to update than print based media. The good thing about having your own website is you can post pictures, upload videos, details and prices of your products, company information and most importantly, maps indicating the location of your company's outlets on your web-site. Here is the step by step guide on how to create your own website. 1. Have your own domain name. Just like having a bakery shop you're domain name could be mrbakersshop.com. A domain name is not an ordinary name. It is a name that you give to your website so be sure to create one that would give an excellent remark from your customers. To do so, you need to pay an annual fee to a registrar for the right to use that name. 2. Choose your web host. A web host is a company that has many computers connected to the Internet. The next part would be signing for an account to that webhost and you're good to go to your next step. 3. After giving your site an excellent and catchy domain name, choosing and signing for a web host, here comes the most fun part of creating your own website. This step would definitely give you the chance of revealing how talented you are in designing your web pages. * First, select the right category for your domain. * Second, choose the software you'll use to make your site. Or if you use the software we recommend - Joomla, choose a perfect template that would show a very pleasing design to your website. There are many professional templates to choose from on the web and it is up to you as to how you could start promoting your product with perfect colour combination and font style. * Third, customize your website by dragging and dropping your logo in, adding your own text or editing what's written there. Keep in mind that your website contains all the pages you'll need for all the contents you have for your running business. You can do anything with your website and make it something that you really dreamed of. * Do SEO to make your website visible to the search engines. 4. Now you're done customizing your web pages, the last step would be showing your website to the world. Click the "publish" button and your website is good to go. Costumers will search on your business on Google, yahoo and other popular search engines. How to create your own website is very quick and easy especially if you are using the open source software of Joomla, and take proper Joomla Training. It serves an integral part of company's promotional and marketing strategy. It creates a powerful statement about running business and securing on-line presence today is more like the best investment in the world. At Joomla Video Tutorials you'll find the most comprehensive and easy to follow videos Joomla Training, so you can make your own professional looking websites within 24 hours.
- Mar 14 Thu 2013 10:11
Create Your Joomla Website Now