HongKong Emarketing:Employ a Good Web Development Company over a Cheap Freelancer- It Makes Sense |
A decade ago, an imposing office building and well-dressed staff was seen as a sign of a successful and reliable organization. But in today's world, companies possessing well-designed and smoothly functioning websites create a positive impression in the minds of their visitors. As a result of these changing circumstances, most growing companies feel the need to enhance their web presence and exploit the limitless potential internet offers to help their businesses flourish. At this juncture they are faced with an important choice: should they hire a freelancer and get a website for peanuts or should they choose a professional web development company that would charge a little more? Website development is a vast field swarming with different standards and technologies. As a company or individual looking for someone to build you a website, you may find the idea of hiring a freelancer rather tempting-all you need to do is scour the internet for a freelancer. Your query on freelance heaven sites will generate a large number of offers from freelancers; many of them ready build you a website at very low rates. On the other hand you can find a number of web development companies on the internet, offering the same services at a slightly higher cost. Although the freelancers offer their services at lower rates, it makes more financial sense to allow an offshore web development company to build your website. Choosing a freelancer from the internet is a very dicey affair: you cannot be sure of his or her credentials, you need to sort and choose between 80-100 offers, the freelancer may not complete the project on time, any disruption in the freelancer's life would mean that you project is put on hold, the freelancer has no binding contract with you and might vanish after taking your money, most of the freelancers have full time jobs and you will tired employee working on a project close to your heart. Keen and qualified freelance website developers can do a great job of building your website, but finding them on the internet is like finding the proverbial needle in the haystack. And even a good freelancer is not likely to be well-versed with all the technologies that can help create a first-class website. A web development company employs teams of professionals who excel in different areas. Their combined expertise helps them to easily overcome the problems that would baffle a freelancer. Employing a web development company to build a customized website, which addresses your individual needs, pays in the long run as: A company signs a contract with you and is bound to deliver quality products within the predetermined time limit. Companies run various Quality Assurance tests and ensure that the products you receive are free from any defects. A good offshore Software development company will have someone from the senior management in your own country; this facilitates clear communication of the issues related to your website. Most companies will have a long-term plan for your project and you pay only when certain stages of work are completed. A company will follow standard programming techniques and rules to build your website; this makes future changes in the website easy. No one gets something for nothing. A freelancer may offer to build a website at a dirt-cheap rate, but what he builds will not satisfy you. If you want a website that creates a good impression on your clients and helps you garner more business, you would be better off paying an Offshore Software Development company to create a first-rate website. Singing a contract with a development Company means that you are free from the hassles of making the website: it is now the responsibility of the web development company to create an excellent website for you. Tri-Force is a web development company that offers offshore software development, iPhone application development, PHP web development and much more that ensures high quality expertise and cost efficiency.Author of this article does not allow you to republish/reprint this article without written consent.
- Mar 19 Tue 2013 09:41
Employ a Good Web Development Company over a Cheap Freelancer- It Makes Sense