
HongKong Emarketing:Google Search Algorithms Version Update

In a recent announcement, Google introduced a major update in its search algorithms to guard itself against the malpractices of 'content farms'. Google has been repeatedly expressing its discomfort with the content dumping websites that publish low quality and copied content to get higher search engine ranking. With these new changes in place, Google aims to secure rankings preferences for high quality and original content.

The absolute workings behind search algorithms has always been a well guarded secret so how exactly Google proposes to incorporate these changes will never be known to you and me. Therefore, the effectiveness of this update will only be learned with time. The change has initially been introduced only for the US, and will spread internationally over a short period of time.SEO Content Writers India

The drive to emphasize quality over quantity has been welcomed by the industry, although there is an undertone of apprehension in some voices. It is well understood that crawlers look for fresh content and reward regular updates but how will the quality of content be judged is a mystery to some. Many believe that content quality is a subjective in nature and a generic system for its measurement is difficult to define. At the same time, a lot of experts are not worried about this issue as they clarify content quality is not as complex as it sounds. Mr. Albertson, an industry veteran from a reputed website design company Delhi explains 'When Google or any other search engine talks of the quality of the content, it doesn't look how beautifully its worded or the message it conveys, a good quality content for a crawler is the one that free of plagiarism, makes a basic sense and is not copied, as simple as that. And all these parameters are not subjective in any which way'.

A very important point to note is that the above expert comments explain that we should be aiming to get fresh and grammatical content for our sites. It's a fair comment but it no way implies that we should not worry of the 'real quality' of the content. A fresh and error free content is the basic requirement. It is like to guideline, what you actually write using this guideline is the real deal. Lets understand in details, a content that is recognized by Google will get cached once and appreciated by crawler, but that is where the game will end. On the contrary, a well written content will get noticed, people will read it again and again, it can be reputed sites, blogs etc. Therefore, it will get you multiple back-links. It will do the job that many average written contents can't do put together.

To sum it up, Google has reinforced the need for fresh and correct content; this push for high quality content should not be perceived as the end solution, instead it must be your building block for high quality writing.

kunwarpal Solanki a profession SEO Expert and Search Engine Marketer(SEM).We are India's fastest Growing Company Website Design Company Gurgaon | SEO Content Writers India We are providing website design and web development services for businesses.



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