
Best Practices of SEO 2011-seo company


Most designers and webmasters know the importance of building a site that will attract search-engine traffic, but not all of them are proficient in search engine optimization (SEO) techniques.

There are a number of techniques that can be used to ensure your site is indexed and well positioned in the major search engines. While SEO techniques change constantly, the following are currently important for good positioning:-

1.Domain Name Selection
2.Web Site Copywriting
3.Meta Tags (Title, Description, Keywords, Heading, Alt Tags)
4.Basic Links, Hypertext Links and Site Map
5.Relavant Content
6.Robots Exclusion File
7.Link Popularity

1.Domain Name Selection

Your domain name (URL) can be a key factor in both search engine and directory positioning. Domain name research is important, and it's wise to get professional help in making this decision.

2.web site copywriting

When creating your site copy, just write naturally, explaining whatever information you're discussing. The key is to make it relevant, and to have it make sense to the reader. Even if you trick the search engines into thinking your page is great - when a potential customer arrives at the site and can't make heads or tails of your information and it just feels spammy to to them - you can bet they'll be clicking on the next web site within a matter of seconds.

3.Unique META tags

All META tags, keywords, description, and most specifically tile - must be unique on each page and describe the content on the page. WordPress users should consider the 'All in One SEO' plugin that will take care of all this for you.

Title Tag -- Use 5-10 words to write a keyword-rich title that's relevant to the page. Begin with keywords, using sentence case. It's important because most engines use the copy as the link to your page in search results.

Description Tag -- Very important because it's often used by search engines as your site description in search results. Use 15-20 words, starting with several strategic keywords (170 characters). Make it compelling and relevant to receive qualified traffic.

Meta Keywords Tag --List your strategic keyword phrases up to a maximum of 744 characters. Use keywords that are relevant to the page, with or without commas.

Heading Tags -- Place these tags at the top of your pages, using strategic keywords relevant to the page. Can be unsightly if not created properly.

4.Hypertext Links-- Ideally, your links should have a keyword in the link text or in an .alt description of the image or area tag.
XML Sitemap

There is a Google sitemap generator available that will create an XML sitemap and update it on the fly, informing Google of any new pages. All sites should contain an XML sitemap as well as a XHTML one. Show both sitemaps in the footer like this:

Contact | Privacy | Terms | Sitemap (XML Version)

WordPress users should consider the Google XML Sitemap plugin.

5.Relevant Content

Having content relevant to your main page or site topic is perhaps the most important SEO aspect of a page. You can put all the keywords you want in the meta tags and alt image tags, etc While it is important to include as many keywords in your page copy as possible, it is equally as important for it to read well and make sense.

6.Robots Exclusion File

It's important to have a robots.txt file present in your root directory because some search spiders will not crawl a site if they don't find the robots.txt file.

7.Link Popularity

We've probably all heard of Google Page Rank - it seems to be every web site owner's dream to have as high a page rank as possible. While the algorithm for determining page rank encompasses many elements, and is constantly changing, one item is the number of links pointing to your web site.
Now, you'll want to steer clear of link farms and other spammy attempts at getting links to your site. However there are many reputable and niche directory sites that you can use to submit your web site, or specific blog articles to.

Digital advertising, Search engine optimization

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    seo company
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