Internet Marketing:Make Money With Affiliate Marketing: 2 Things To Consider Before You Choose A Product |
Affiliate Marketing is a superb way to start an Online Business if you are on a small or zero budget but looking to make regular and constant income. So what is Affiliate Marketing? An Affiliate Marketer sells or markets another person's product or service and earns a commission on every sale. The Internet has made Affiliate Marketing easier, faster, safer and more secure to start in... if you have the correct knowledge. When I first looked at becoming an Affiliate Marketer I was overwhelmed with information and swamped with the amount of products and services that were on offer. I was so excited that I spent a huge amount of money on various eBooks, software and programs that resulted in a BIG FAT ZERO! At that point I lost heart but I knew that tons of people were making big money in this field so I decided to look further in detail into the formulas for successful Affiliate Marketing. I was looking for a step by step method that would simplify the whole process. And that is when I learned the real path to making a good income from the Internet. I want you to understand that it is quite possible to eventually switch your main income from an off-line JOB to your own online business by following the right advice. The steps that I took have worked for me and they will work for you too to get you started. The easiest way to get started in Affiliate Marketing is to get a free account with ClickBank. There are other similar organisations but this one seems to be the most well known. With ClickBank you will be able to choose a product from a vast range and ClickBank will streamline the whole on your behalf. They will do all the 'heavy lifting' and back office functions for you, freeing you to market your chosen products. Thousands of people are using such organisations to successfully market online and make a substantial incomes. Browse through the categories of products that are available. It's better, but not compulsory, if you can find a niche or a product that you have an interest in yourself. Do you like games? Or are you into fitness regimes? Are you a successful weight loss candidate? Do you know anything about fly-fishing? Read the sales page of the product and determine if it's serious or just pure bull. Instinct counts! Would you buy this? Would you use this? TWO IMPORTANT THINGS TO CONSIDER WHEN YOU CHOOSE YOUR PRODUCT. 1. Gravity: The first thing to look at is Gravity. Gravity is the indication of the number of people or affiliates who have sold that particular product in the last 30 days. Aim for a product with a Gravity of 50 to 100. Less than 50 and there is probably little interest in this product. More than 100 means that there is possibly heavy competition with other affiliates of the product. 2. Commission. If you're going to invest your time, energy and (possibly) money you want to be well compensated by the returns. I would advice you to look for products that pay at least $20 commission per sale. The sale price is split between the owner/vendor/publisher of the product and you, the affiliate (ClickBank take care of this). Most times it's 50/50 but there are others where the split is up to 75/25 in your favour. Aim for $20 per sale. If you make 5 sales per day you will earn $100. You do the maths, it all adds up over 30 days. To succeed at anything in life requires effort, commitment and time. Affiliate Marketing is no different. You must be persistent. There is a lot of good lod fashioned hard work involved in marketing and promoting your chosen product. To make 5 sales per day will take a bit of time but you will get there if you persist. As you become familiar with this business you can expand to marketing several different products and earning high incomes from each one. Then your earnings will rocket! Sal Abdin is an Online Marketer and mentor. If you're interested in making a substantial income online then visit: or visit his blog:
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- Mar 07 Thu 2013 20:08
Make Money With Affiliate Marketing- 2 Things To Consider Before You Choose A Product